You Can Become a Woodcrafting Wizard!

An online course designed for beginning and experienced craftspeople looking for a peaceful, satisfying pastime that connects them to the nature of trees.

Click Here For My Free Webinar And Make Your First (or best) Woodcrafting Project!

It's never too late to learn a new skill. 

Hi, I'm Andy
As a life long maker I know the deep satisfaction of creating something with my hands from natural materials.
I created this course so you too can feel the magic of transforming a chunk of wood into something people will treasure for years to come. 

Gain the skills to make over 8 different types of handmade treasures

Including hand tool techniques, how to find materials, what tools you need and how to care for them. 

Produce beautiful products for gifts and your home

Fill your life with handmade  heirlooms that you and your loved ones will pass down for generations. 

Become competent in making real and practical implements 

Be more connected to our common ancestral history of making the things we need from the land around us. 


In this course you will:

  • Experience the joy of using elegant hand tools.
  • Become known for your beautiful handmade gifts.
  • Work with gorgeous materials.
  • Be more connected to our common ancestral history of making the objects we need.
  • Have fun and make magic with your own hands!

Sign up for my free webinar! 

Join me on a culinary journey with fresh recipes delivered to your inbox every single week. 


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